Programming README


The nullish coalescing operator is a logical operator that returns its right-hand operand when its left-hand operand is null or undefined, and otherwise returns its left-hand operand.


const result = value ?? defaultValue;


The nullish coalescing operator is useful for providing default values while distinguishing between null/undefined and other falsy values (like 0, "", false, etc.). This is particularly helpful in situations where we want to avoid mistakenly treating other falsy values as needing the default.

Notes on Truthy and Falsy Values in JS

Detailed Examples

Providing Default Values

In the given example:

const timeout = config.timeout ?? 3000;

This means:

  • If config.timeout is null or undefined, timeout will be assigned the value 3000.
  • If config.timeout is any other value (including 0, false, "", etc.), timeout will be assigned the value of config.timeout.

Nullish Coalescing with null and undefined

const config1 = { timeout: undefined };
const timeout1 = config1.timeout ?? 3000;
console.log(timeout1); // Output: 3000
const config2 = { timeout: null };
const timeout2 = config2.timeout ?? 3000;
console.log(timeout2); // Output: 3000

Nullish Coalescing with Other Falsy Values

const config3 = { timeout: 0 };
const timeout3 = config3.timeout ?? 3000;
console.log(timeout3); // Output: 0 (not 3000, because 0 is not null or undefined)
const config4 = { timeout: false };
const timeout4 = config4.timeout ?? 3000;
console.log(timeout4); // Output: false (not 3000, because false is not null or undefined)
const config5 = { timeout: "" };
const timeout5 = config5.timeout ?? 3000;
console.log(timeout5); // Output: "" (not 3000, because "" is not null or undefined)

Comparison with Logical OR (||)

The logical OR (||) operator can also be used to provide default values, but it treats all falsy values (like 0, false, "", etc.) as needing the default, not just null or undefined.

Further details on Short Circuiting in JS


const config = { timeout: 0 };
const timeoutWithOR = config.timeout || 3000;
console.log(timeoutWithOR); // Output: 3000 (0 is considered falsy and therefore returns the default)
const timeoutWithNullish = config.timeout ?? 3000;
console.log(timeoutWithNullish); // Output: 0 (nullish coalescing only considers null or undefined)


  • Nullish Coalescing Operator (??): Used to provide a default value when the left-hand operand is null or undefined.
  • Syntax: const result = value ?? defaultValue;
  • Purpose: Distinguishes between null/undefined and other falsy values, providing a default only when necessary.
  • Comparison with ||: The logical OR operator treats all falsy values as needing the default, while ?? only considers null and undefined.

Programming README
